Programs & Events
Monthly Meetings
Below are Buttons for each Monthly Meeting of
Writers League of The Villages.
These are for the business side of the meetings.
We also offer the following benefits to members:
Monthly Meetings
Every second Wednesday of each month, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. except during June and July.
Usually held at Laurel Manor Recreation Center, 1985 Laurel Manor Drive by Buena Vista Boulevard and Route 466 in The Villages FL.
Write us at for information.

Any WLOV member who has published a book can be listed in the WLOV Book Catalogue which is published online and found at our website
New technology is making the site searcheable by title and author soon.
Want to Join a Critique Group?
A Critique Group Helps You Understand How to Improve Your Writing.
For a List of All Writing and Critique Groups in The Villages
-Click the red button below-
Special Events
Since 2015, WLOV has produced the annual Central Florida Book & Author Expo once a year.
Up to 80 authors exhibit their books of all genres to the general public. Traditionally, the event is held in January at the Eisenhower Recreation Center near Brownwood in The Villages, FL.
Our next Book Expo is scheduled for Sunday, January 29, 2023, at Eisenhower Recreation Center in The Villages, Florida
The event is always free and open to the public.
Special Programming
Among the special programs that WLOV has presented are two that stand out:
- “Meet Your Character Fair” Up to 6 professionals are invited to share details of their occupations. Members take notes to use the information as they write characters in their novels. It’s research on a speed-date basis. And it works!
- “Meet Other Writers Groups” Once a year, we invite all other writing groups to a Meet-and-Greet open house. Members get to find a group that is right for them
Scholarship Awards
WLOV Scholarship Committee was formed as part of our outreach in 2020.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity organization, WLOV will be holding events to raise funds in support of writers in The Villages. Join us and become part of a worthy effort to support writers and authors of tales that need to be told.
Help Telling Your Stories
You enter a special world of storytellers and wordsmiths when you come to Writers League of the Villages.
Everyone comes from different backgrounds, experiences and abilities. The one thing everyone has in common is a willingness to share the rich tapestry of our lives making this a unique organization.
Whether you want to write (even if you don’t know where to begin) or you do write and know what it takes, we welcome you into our world of memoir writers, mystery writers, romance writers, tellers of historical times, and even stories about strange worlds with new ideas.
We are all storytellers and we want to meet you. Come tell us your story. We want to hear what you have to say.