by Phyllis K. Walters
Dr. Phyllis Kuehnl-Walters guides the reader in becoming more like Jesus by developing the gifts of the Fruit of the Spirit. Her personal story, scripture and other supportive information provides a sound, enlightening and thought provoking read. Action plans and Group Discussion Questions promote personal growth and/or group study.
About the Author
I am a retired clinical psychologist from Ohio. I live at The Villages, Florida and write inspirational self-help books meant to encourage the reader to joyfully finish the race set forth by God. My second book, “Creating Balance & Purpose in Life” was launched by Amazon on September 20, 2018. This book guides the readers as they develop or restore balance and meaning in their current stage of life. It can be offered as a course as is my recent book entitled: “Worry, Fret and Fear.. No More!”-Covid-19 Edition. This book takes the reader on a six week journey to unlearn the habit of worrying and overcome fear. I am available as an inspirational speaker on the topics covered in my books.
My third book is a “Study Guide & Gratitude Journal” meant to accompany “Worry, Fret and Fear…No More!” This book enables the reader to use the study guide to complete the questions presented each day in the “Worry” book. It also provides space for the reader to list five things for which he/she is grateful each day. This affords the reader an opportunity to gift the book to someone near and dear upon completion of the six week journey. These books are perfect for short term Bible studies or courses.
Phyllis K. Walters