A Casey Quinby Mystery
by Judi Ciance
The fifth book in the Casey Quinby Mystery Series.
A month passed before I returned to my office in Barnstable Village. My first case as a PI turned into a murder investigation with me right in the middle. My old boss, Chuck Young, assured me my position as head investigative reporter for the Tribune was still open if I wanted to come back to the newspaper. I banished the thought.
I walked over to my front window. People living on Cape Cod crave the sand and beach. For me, it’s the view of the District Court to the left, Superior Court to the right and the District Attorney’s Office straight across the street.
The sudden knock on the front door startled me straight off the floor. The sun streamed through the window so brightly, I couldn’t make out if the knocker was a man or a woman. I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart, walked over, unlocked and opened the door.
“Can I help you?”
He looked at me, then up at my shingle. “If you’re Casey Quinby, Private Investigator, you can.”
About the Author
Born and raised in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, I attended Green Mountain Junior College in Poultney, Vermont, and Quinsigamond Community College in Worcester. After numerous writing-related topics of interest classes. I finally walked with a degree in 2004. Later working in banking, sales, I also became general manager in my family’s metal stamping business.
Judi Ciance

In 1992, my husband, Paul, was activated during Desert Storm. Following his service of five months at the Pentagon in Washington D.C. we moved to our house on the Cape. I went to work in the Superior Courthouse at the Barnstable County Court complex, then for the Barnstable Sheriff’s Office. During that time, I worked in the Drug Partnership Grant program, civil process, in records, wrote policies and procedures and retired as the Assistant Deputy Superintendent of Finance.
In 2006, we moved to Florida where the heat in the summer, beats the snow in the winter. I may have a Florida address now, but my love for Cape Cod and Boston will forever live in my writing.