by Rita Boehm
When Peter is kidnapped, Lindsay Talbot is faced with a difficult choice: travel to a poverty-stricken, terrorist-filled, Arab country to save his life, or leave his future to chance.
So begins the action in BEYOND SECOND CHANCES, the sequel to SECOND CHANCES.
Lindsay makes her choice and pays the price. However, it is the unexpected consequence of a simple act performed much closer to home that nearly costs her life. As Lindsay struggles to regain her health, she must decide whether to accept the love and devotion of a man who betrayed her trust, or face the future alone.
About the Author
Rita Boehm’s childhood writing aspirations resurfaced when she considered retirement from a successful career in Contract Management. Career moves had taken her from New York to Colorado to suburban Maryland, near Washington D.C. — all great locations for storylines.
Rita has published five novels in the romantic suspense and mystery genres, and a children’s picture book “Bluebirds in the Garden which was awarded the title, Best Children’s Book, by the Florida Writers Association.
Now living in The Villages, Florida, when she’s not writing, Rita enjoys photography, gardening, and most especially, riding her dressage horse, Kosi.
Rita Boehm