Forensic Wellness

by Robert McElroy, Ph.D.

A realistic, no-nonsense approach to weight loss that allows women and men a positive pathway to transforming themselves from having “let their figures go” to reclaiming their once svelte selves and a renewed joy for living. 

The secret is a journey down a logical, scenic path to weight loss that calls upon a simple formula requiring no pills, gimmicks, or trauma-inducing exercise programs. 

Forensic Wellness® and its companion workbooks help you learn calorie content in everyday foods and how you can use basic math to track your daily intake to lose one pound at a time, and keep it off. It provides a framework toward understanding your unique mindset and biomechanics to achieve weight control. Complex issues associated with weight gain are addressed.

Here’s your guidebook to a pathway of permanent weight loss and wellness. Join the author on your wellness journey which will end with the “new you” whom you have been missing for a long time. An understandable and logical plan for weight control is presented.


About the Author

Dr. Robert McElroy

Dr. Robert McElroy shows you how he lost 70 lbs. at two different times in his life, without stress or pain. His unique credentials include his background as a member of an elite group of GM automotive mechanics, a PhD in Industrial Education, and Industrial Safety Engineering, combined with his decades of experience as a forensic accident expert. 

“Do the math,” Dr. McElroy says. His book brings logic and basic math to weight loss, without expensive or unsafe diet aids.