by Donn Dears
The UN demands that the US cut its CO2 emissions by 80%. Congress is debating Cap & Trade legislation that will require the U.S. to cut its CO2 emissions by up to 80%. But few are asking, is it possible to cut CO2 emissions by 80%? Or by any meaningful amount? Carbon Folly examines each sector, from the Electric Sector to the Residential Sector, to determine whether proven technologies are available for cutting CO2 emissions. With America s population increasing 139* million people by 2050 there will be tremendous pressure for more electricity, more cars and more jobs. What are the consequences for American society if carbon regulations are established but CO2 emissions cannot be cut by any significant amount? Cap & Trade could be the largest hidden tax increase in history. Will ENRON have merely been the tip of the iceberg? With CO2 emissions directly linked to economic growth, cutting CO2 emissons will result in economic decline. * Based on change from 2000 census. The change equals total US population in WWII.
About the Author
Donn spent his career at General Electric Company in the power sector, leading organizations that provided engineering services for GE’s large electrical apparatus. Donn led the establishment of GE subsidiary companies around the world and actively participated in providing engineering services to a wide range of industries including electric utilities, steel, mining and transportation.
He retired as a senior GE Company executive and served on active duty in the Navy during the Korean War.
Donn Dears