Enjoy exciting murder mystery thrillers by Richard Domann
About the Author
Dick Domann is a retired pharmaceutical executive who enjoys writing, golf, and drinking a variety of beers with his friends in “The Beer Buddies of Brownwood”. Dick and his wife of forty plus years, Cindy, (also a Beer Buddies member) spend their time between a home in The Villages, Florida and an apartment in Asheville, North Carolina.
Dick graduated from the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse with a B.S. degree in psychology. Following graduate work in counseling psychology at UW-Milwaukee, Dick began a professional career in the pharmaceutical industry spanning over forty years. His responsibilities included positions in sales, marketing, government, trade relations and headquarters operations.
Outside of his professional career Dick was active on several charitable boards and served as President of the Rotary Club of Morrisville, NC, twice. Dick has published one novel titled “The Ghost on Number 2” and is currently working on a thriller focused on the pharmaceutical industry. Dick is also working on a collection of short stories based in Asheville, NC.
Richard Domann