by Peter Shianna
Jason Ferris and Cari Lang shared an idyllic Midwestern childhood until a gruesome murder shattered their lives. They went in different directions, Jason to the priesthood, Cari to a disastrous marriage.Now, a quarter of a century later, Cari has located Jason and suggested that they meet and bring each other up to date. Jason is perplexed. After all, she flatly rejected his overtures five years earlier when he wanted to leave the priesthood for her.Jason did leave the priesthood shortly after her rejection and has led a monastic life in a secular community that teaches inmates in a state prison. He agrees to meet her. They click immediately. Or do they? Events soon begin to complicate their lives beyond anything Jason ever could have imagined.And that’s only the beginning. The situation turns dark, and Jason realizes his life is threatened. Is Cari’s also? A terrifying prospect, almost more than Jason can bear, but all the more terrifying, what if Cari isn’t in danger at all?