by Tom Hannon
In a perfect world, we can go back and do it again until we get it right. In a not so perfect world, we can’t.
Once a high-achieving academic student, fourteen-year-old Kate Harrigan’s idyllic life is interrupted when her mother dies in a tragic accident. Kate’s father, an overprotective and rigid prestigious criminal defense attorney, struggles to raise a motherless daughter, who rebels against his control out of anger and grief.
Follow a defiant Kate Harrigan as she escalates from mischievous teenage pranks to associating with criminal delinquents. The consequences of her poor choices follow Kate as she struggles to win back her father’s trust and re-establish her reputation as a young woman worthy of earning a law degree.
The truth sets Kate in a downward spiral as she self-destructs and endangers all that she accomplished. Only when an unexpected guiding hand reaches out does she believe in her future.
About the Author
T.J. Hannon grew up on Long Island and now snowbirds to The Villages, Florida. TJ has published three short story collections and one coming of age novel. Tales with a Twist volumes 1 & 2 are both a collection of 22 and 16 short story collections respectively that contain many genres. Humor, fantasy, romance, suspense, whodunnits, and hard nose detective. His third short story collection, Three Reasons to Kill, needs no explanation. Three stories- three murder mysteries.
Tom Hannon