In the Palm of His Hands

The Redemption of Sonny Rocco

by Frank A. Antonucci

Rocky grows up in his father’s shadow, wanting to be like his old man one day, but not knowing the true story behind his father’s associations. When Rocky discovers cash and drugs in his father’s Cadillac, he begins to question whether his father only delivers Stroh’s beer by truck. Rocky wants to know his father’s hidden source of income, but soon tragedy hits the family.

Still living in Detroit, Rocky works his way into a life of crime. Determined to be smarter and richer than his father, Rocky begins beating the system as an adolescent. He opens an automotive chop shop while still in high school. Identifying himself as Sonny Rocco, he’s on the fast track to becoming a self-made man.

Then, his past associates ask for one more favor. In one night, Rocky’s life is changed forever, leading him to seek redemption. 

About the Author

After an accident ended his first career, Frank Antonucci discovered a gift for mentoring troubled students. He showed them how important school could be and set them up for success long after graduation.

In his heartwarming memoir, Being Cool in a Hands-On World, Frank Antonucci celebrates his students and the challenges they overcame to accomplish their goals.

Here, in another published work, In the Palm of His Hand: the Redemption of Sonny Rocco, he further reveals who he is in this world.

Frank Antonucci