Fall Prevention for All

Chris Tolos


Millions of adults fall each year, but it doesn’t have to be that way. By learning the warning signs and taking simple steps, you can greatly reduce your risk.

Over 20 years of clinical experience as a licensed physical therapist, scientific research, and personal insights have allowed me to share some of the fastest and most effective ways to reduce your risk of falling. They have helped countless clients and I believe they will help you too.

About the Author

Chris Tolos, otherwise known as “Chris the PT” was raised in a family of professional wrestlers. Both his father and uncle where in the profession, and when he turned 18 he made the decision to follow in their footsteps. You can imagine how proud his mom was, NOT!

After training for a short period of time, he decided it was not for him, as he preferred helping people versus body slamming them. As a result, he changed course and became a physical therapist. He has been a practicing PT now for over 20 years, in addition to being a personal trainer and holding advanced certificates in fall prevention, senior fitness and corrective exercise techniques. He has spent most of his life in Southern California until moving to the Villages 2 years ago.