by Ellen Davis, MS
Re-thinking food storage for emergency preparedness
Most prepper and survivalist resources suggest storing rice, dried beans, grains, flours, sugar, potatoes, and powdered milk as major sources of calories in a disaster scenario.
The trouble is these high carbohydrate foods aren’t compatible with optimal human metabolism during periods of food scarcity. In fact, relying on these foods during periods of calorie restriction can accelerate the metabolic process of starvation.
This book explains why high carbohydrate foods are the wrong choice for surviving long-term food shortage situations, how these foods work against the body’s natural and protective starvation response, and what to store and eat instead to gain a metabolic advantage in any doomsday or end-times scenario.
About the Author
A Florida native, Ellen Davis has a Master’s degree in Applied Clinical Nutrition and is an expert on fasting and ketogenic nutrition. She created Ketogenic-Diet-Resource.com, a website showcasing the research on the positive health effects of ketogenic diets. She has also written articles for Well Being Journal magazine, Terry’s Naturally magazine, and Healthy Living magazine.
As an author, she has self-published several books on treating cancer and diabetes with a ketogenic diet. Her book, Fight Cancer with a Ketogenic Diet has sold in more than 70 countries, and her books on managing diabetes with a ketogenic diet continue to be popular on Amazon.
Additionally, her emergency survival book, Inferior Nutrition, was written for people interested in preparing for disaster scenarios by applying sound ketogenic nutritional principles for survival.
Currently, when Ellen isn’t creating watercolor art (insidewatercolor.com), she’s helping other independent authors self-publish their own books (keybookdesigns.)
Ellen Davis