Mugs, Jugs, and Hugs

Keeping Busy with the Busbys

by T. Michael Doyle

What do bacon and brassieres have in common? How about hangers and mugs or bidets and giant gas grills? When a wife advises her husband on his driving, is that nagging or nurturing? Does it make a man OCD if he likes an organized closet? Join Miriam and Floyd Busby as they try to answer these questions and several others while laughing their way through the golden years. This book features twenty-one humorous short, short stories. In Floyd’s words: “Each story is short enough to finish before your butt falls asleep on the toilet.”

About the Author

A native Ohioan, Mike Doyle was a school teacher and athletic coach for years before his retirement. 

Before “meeting” the Busbys in his imagination, he had already published two books entitled: Whitewater, Ohio, and Bubba and the Bedroom Cowboys.

He and his wife are enjoying living in Central Florida.

T. Michael Doyle