Five-Part Self Help Series

About the Books

Author Steven Howard takes you on a journey of self-discovery which ultimately leads one to true happiness. The current five-booklet series are stand-alone topics on different aspects of how to discover the person you are meant to be.  Each book has its own accompanying workbook available by contacting Steven at his website:

About the Author

Steven’s spiritually-oriented booklets and guided meditations are available on his website:

More on the Author

Steven Howard has been on a personal spiritual journey for more than eight decades. Over the past twenty years, after his own spiritual awakening in 1973, he has published a trilogy of spiritual novels. 

He is a spiritual teacher, certified Q Effect tm coach, and creator of the Praying from the Mind, Praying from the Heart workshop. Currently, he resides in The Villages, Florida, with his wife, Paula.

Credentials include: 

  • Life experiences that took me through a long, dark passage into the Light

  • Master’s in Counseling Psychology and over twenty years of “hands-on” experience with nearly every form of psychological therapy known

  • Training in the use of Transactional Analysis as a tool for personal growth and more effective communications

  • I am trained and certified to coach and teach The Art of Quantum Living (The Q Effect).

  • Student of Byron Katie’s “The Work” as well as Mary Morrissey’s “Prosperity Plus” training

  • Fifteen years of experience as a Prayer Chaplain

  • Forty-five years as a student and teacher of New Thought principles (specifically those of Unity)

  • Spirit-led creator of workshops like “Praying from the Mind, Praying from the Heart”