Parkinson’s Disease

an Instruction Manual

by Edmund Smith and Jane Masterson

Jane Masterson was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1997. Jane and her 25-year partner, Edmund H. Smith, Jr., have not let this disease stop them from enjoying life. They have learned how to cope and how to thrive.

Five years ago, Ed and Jane were asked by a Parkinson’s disease support group to share what they had learned about coping with the challenges of everyday life. Their one-hour presentation, “Ideas for Living Well with Parkinson’s Disease,” proved an instant success. Since then, they have been frequent speakers at support groups in Florida, Tennessee, and also on cruise ships. Audiences number from a few to well over one hundred. Many attendees recommended they write a book so more people might benefit from their knowledge.

In this book, Jane and Ed offer the benefit of their experience. They tell how they have learned to successfully coexist with Parkinson’s disease. The written message is enhanced with more than thirty-five photographs of things they find beneficial in their everyday life. Twenty-five Internet links are included as sources for additional information.