by Geralyn Vilar
Deliciously Low Fat includes a variety of menu items. Each recipe is easy to follow and uses most items found in a typical home kitchen. All of the recipes have been tested for taste, texture and eye appeal. This edition contains most of the original recipes, however, some have been modified and a couple have been deleted. There are a few new recipes as well.
Enjoy healthier eating with these mouth watering recipes. You will not miss the fat.
About the Author
Geralyn Vilar was born and raised in Belleville, New Jersey. After graduation, she married, and while raising her children, received her associates degree in nursing from Essex County College. Geralyn enjoys, writing, dancing, cooking, and singing. In addition to her other accomplishments, she holds licenses in nursing, cosmetology, real-estate, and insurance.
She has three children and two grandchildren, and lives with her husband, David, in The Villages, Florida.
Geralyn Vilar