The Arakniv Deception

A pharmaceutical thriller

by Dick Domann

Geoff Winters is the Head of Security for the powerhouse health care company, Valhalla Pharmaceuticals.  As he struggles with personal demons, he discovers a devious plot will unleash a devastating wave of illness in the United States and around the world if left unchecked.

As Winters attempts to determine who his allies are and who is behind the intrigue, a series of bizarre murders trigger events at the company. Power plays in the executive suite, secrets hidden in corporate research laboratories, entanglements with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the desire for domination of the health care system by a global health care enterprise. All must be laid bare to determine what is behind The Arakniv Deception.

About the Author

Dick Domann is a retired pharmaceutical executive who enjoys writing, golf, and beer.  Dick and his wife of forty years, Cindy, spend their time between a home in The Villages, Florida and an apartment in Asheville, North Carolina.

Dick graduated from the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse with a B.S. degree in psychology.  Following graduate work in counseling psychology at UW-Milwaukee, Dick began a professional career in the pharmaceutical industry spanning over forty years.  His responsibilities included positions in sales, marketing, government, trade relations and headquarters operations.

Outside of his professional career Dick was active on several charitable boards and served as President of the Rotary Club of Morrisville, NC, twice.  Dick has published one novel titled “The Ghost on Number 2” and is currently working on a thriller focused on the pharmaceutical industry.  Dick is also working on a collection of short stories based in Asheville, NC.

Richard J. Domann