Curiosity: the Gateway into Knowing

with Steven Howard

This second in a series of spiritual awakening booklets provides a set of tools and exercises, based upon material that has been studied, and used by the author and literally thousands of other people with great success. if you have old dreams collecting dust in the recesses of your mind, and wish you could turn them into reality, then this is the book for you.

Curiosity: the Gateway into Knowing is a sharing of one man’s journey out of the darkness of a life half-lived into one of unlimited possibilities fulfilled. A pathway into self-awareness fed by becoming compassionately curious and experienceing a transformation of consciousness from “knowing about” to one of “knowing.” In the process, the man discovers the truth of who he is and his purpose for being here in this lifetime.

About the Author

Steven Howard has been on a personal spiritual journey for more than eight decades. Over the past twenty years, after his own spiritual awakening in 1973, he has published a trilogy of spiritual novels. 

He is a spiritual teacher, certified Q Effect tm coadh, and creator of the Praying from the Mind, Praying from the Heart workshop. Currently, he reisdes in The Villages, Florida, with his wife, Paula.

His spiritually-oriented booklets and guided meditations are available on his website:




Steven Howard