The Rathbone Plot

by John Mallon

London, 1665. Former Parliamentarian Army Colonel John Rathbone is one of the most dangerous threats to the English monarchy. After returning from foreign exile, he and his followers plot to set numerous fires in the city, attack the Tower of London, seize weapons and munitions, assassinate government officials, and lead a land reform movement.

George Harrington, England’s Director of the Security Department, is charged with investigating conspiracies against the Crown and leads his staff in attempting to stop Rathbone’s plot before it can be put into action. If successful, Rathbone and his co-conspirators will be arrested, imprisoned in the Tower, tried at the Old Bailey Court, and ultimately executed at the infamous Tyburn gallows.

Inspired by actual events, The Rathbone Plot is a powerful depiction of life during England’s Restoration and the dual tragedies of the Great Plague and the Great Fire.