Life After Trump

Seeking a More Perfect Union

by Marsha Shearer

A no-excuses prescription for solving long-term problems, too long ignored, that threaten our democracy.

Trump has given the next despot-in-training a roadmap, complete with detailed instructions. At least a third of the population is waiting for the next iteration … and the next one could be smart!

This book addresses the norms that for too long were taken for granted—until Trump broke every one. It also identifies longstanding problems in the Executive and Legislative branches. Read this book to learn how you can help fix the system.

About the Author

As a retired education administrator, I’ve always had a passion for politics; it serves as the foundation of our lives, for better or worse.

Born and raised in Indianapolis, I moved to Wisconsin for a job and completed my Masters at UW-Madison. My 3 sons and I moved to Carmel, CA, for another job then to Seattle where I worked for the State Department of Education. I finished my career in Europe working for the U.S. Department of Defense.

Active in the community where I now live, I run a neighborhood book club and am a member of another. I’m on the board of the local Democratic Club and the steering committee of Civil Discourse. Personally, I try working out regularly, and confess to being a lousy golfer. As an aside, in my next life, I’d like to curate African and Oceanic art and artifacts for Sotheby’s. And I would definitely require a bigger hous