The Sweethearts Club takes you for a rip-roaring ride on a rollicking and reeling roller coaster through surprising twists and turns in the lives of the international residents in “The Hamlets”, an often overly-active Florida seaside retirement community.
Many of “The Hamlets” residents feel the rumor that it’s a “drinking community with a golfing problem” is an understatement!
Dare you join the mysterious Liam Rooney and his colorful Tres Amigos on their rollicking endeavors? The team of swashbuckling, lusty lads team up to see if they can rekindle the smoking embers of love and romance between the men and women whose 14 husbands have joined the stag-only Sweethearts Poker Club, with their ladies approval. However, neither the ladies NOR the gentlemen have the slightest inkling of what lies ahead. This could be termed: a “guy’s romance novel.”