Welcome to Monstrovia

Silver Medal - Benjamin Franklin Book Awards

Bronze Medal - Reader's Favorite Book Awards

Third Place - Royal Palm Literary Awards -Florida Writers Association

by Mark Newhouse

A human boy and half-human girl face incredible dangers as they solve mysteries with Jasper Doofinch, lawyer for mythical monsters and fictional folk, in a secret sector of the United States.

Children of all ages can’t wait to turn the page as they learn about important legal issues solving humorous cases in a land where humans are an endangered species. Join the Defenders of Monstrovia in their first adventure and you’ll be back for more.

The author, a life-long fan of Perry Mason and Sherlock Holmes, uses humor and page-turning twists to keep kids and adults reading. Sequels include The Case of the Disastrous Dragon and The Case of the Crazy Chickenscratches which have also won awards and are under contract for a media deal. 

About the Author

My award-winning children’s books are a mix of Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, and Perry Mason, (a fictional lawyer), featuring kids who solve problems with their ‘smarts’ and courage. I want every child to believe in their dreams and know they can reach their goals.

My parents were divorced and I was bullied as a child, which inspired my writing.

Mark H. Newhouse

I can’t draw. So I met Dan Traynor whose colorful illustrations make Santa’s Speeding Ticket, Alice in Batsylvania, A Bite Before Christmas, Dreidel Dog, and Passover Puppy Coloring Book fun with lots of laughs, activities and surprises. 

I love hearing from my readers. A boy years ago ended a nice fan letter with: “I know all authors are rich. Can I swim in your pool?” I don’t have a pool, but love sharing my stories with you. Thank you for reading my books. If you enjoy them, I hope you will consider adding your kind reviews. Thank you.   Your friend,   Mark