When he returned to the U.S., film in TV news had become an anachronism — a victim of American technology combined with Asian ingenuity. During three years overseas, 22 years of TV journalism experience disappeared beneath a tidal wave of progress.
The Ohio State University’s School of Journalism in Columbus, Ohio, came to the rescue with an offer to earn a master’s degree while serving as an assistant in its TV news workshop.
Then a terrific opportunity came up at the American Israelite. Canaan was brought on board as staff writer, copy editor and photographer. He enterprised stories that brought kudos from the community. His four-part series, “Jews in Ohio’s Prisons: Does Anybody Care?” received a first place award for best weekly journalism in Ohio from the State of Ohio Bar Association.
Every evening, Sunday through Thursday, Canaan compiles and edits IsraelNewsFaxx. This newsletter is sent to a selective clientele throughout the United States, as well as being posted at www,israelfaxx.com