Part 1: In the Beginning
by Steven Howard
Take a journey with Darien and his spirit guide, Sundeep, from pre-birth into the after-life. In The Darien Chronicles: Object for Reflection, A Journey into Love, Part One In the Beginning, walk with him as he leaves behind vague recollections of being a cast off and develops his rules for survival in the drama of an adoptive family where secrets thrive. Be with him as he struggles to separate truth from fiction and find his own soul.
Is Sundeep real or imaginary? Is Darien who he is seen to be or is there more to who he is? Who can he trust? The appearance of things suggests no one, as he cautiously formulates a plan to fit in and be accepted.
Circumstances bring Darien, a four-year old boy, into a working class family that includes an older boy whose friend causes him to question himself and shakes his very foundation as a boy wanting, desperately, to become a man. Being a bastard boy and child of a trollop, Darien finds refuge and a reflection of who he is in his secret friend, Sundeep. But does he believe what he hears? Or do the other influences and experiences he encounters speak louder to him? Find out. Perhaps youll even find yourself in this story. And this is just the beginning!
About the Author
Steven Howard was born Donald Herbert Kirkpatrick and adopted at the age of four when he became Donald Howard Camp. At the age of fifty-five, after a spiritual awakening, 15 years in recovery from addictions, and earning an MS in Counseling Psychology, he claimed the name Steven as the result of some major inner child work.
He also retired from a career in the corporate world and that was the beginning of his writing career and his decision to use the name Steven Howard for all his writings and other spiritual work.
Fast-forwarding to the present, Steven has become a certified Q Coach, has created and led workshops on the power of prayer, and has written and had published a spiritual trilogy of novels (The Darien Chronicles: Objects for Reflection, A Journey into Love), loosely paralleling the events and circumstances of his own spiritual journey. And most recently he has just released his first in a series of spiritually-oriented booklets. This one is titled “Living in the Moment” and he is keeping busy finishing the manuscript for the second one in the series, titled “Curiosity: The Gateway into Knowing.”
Married for forty-four years to his beloved soul partner, Paula, they now happily reside in The Villages, Florida.
Steven Howard