Faces of the Distinguished Flying Cross of Central Florida

Each chapter is written by the man who earned that award, documented with individual Citations or Orders.

by Joe Finch

First person accounts of men who earned the DFC in WW II, Korea, the Cold War and Vietnam.

These are the experiences of 24 ordinary young men faced with the extreme circumstance of flying into enemy fire, maintaining their focus and finding the courage to do extraordinary things to help their comrades in arms.

The accounts cover various aircraft types over four wars. This book is filled with personal experiences  and true accounts of men who endured the worst and the best of human nature.

Each story is riveting in its telling of the individuals, each tasked with missions to serve greater objectives. Their resourcefulness, deft ability as pilots and aviators, their concern for fellow soldiers, all carried them through countless moments of bravery and terror. “Faces” also tells a little about their life after war.

Author - Joe Finch