by Steven Howard
Living in the Moment offers insights and easy-to-follow steps to recognize whether one is living in “the present moment” or actually stuck in the past or future. It also shows how to begin recognizing and diffusing the power of “demon” false beliefs that block us from experiencing greater life possibilities. This enables us to live a more fulfilling and joy-filled life. It is about discovering the power of choice!
Steven Howard has been on a personal spiritual journey for more than eight decades. Over the past 20 years, after his own spiritual awakening in 1973, he has published a trilogy of spiritual novels, an award-winning short story, and other inspirational articles. He is a spiritual teacher, certified Q Effect™ coach, and creator of the Praying from the Mind, Praying from the Heart workshop. Contact Steven at LifePossibilitiesFulfilled@gmail.com, or www.LifePossibilitiesFulfilled.com.