by Phyllis K. Walters
HUSBANDS WHO KILL: Dr. Rosie Klein, a court-appointed clinical psychologist, must determine the mental state of two men charged with murdering their wives at the time of their crimes, unravel their motives, and discover the truth about what happened.
Randy Evans fears for the lives of his mother, sister, and himself when his older brother leaves to join the Marines. At age fourteen, he becomes the “lethal weapon” of his mother, killing his father which results in seven years in a juvenile detention center. Then, eleven years later, his wife dies, and Randy suffers amnesia regarding the event. What really happened? How do his memories emerge, and what is the ultimate result?
Scott Larson, a bright, talented, highly respected nurse shoots his wife and uses Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) as his defense. How will Dr. Klein determine the correct diagnosis, and what events will jeopardize her willingness and ability to testify? Are these men victims, themselves, or perpetrators of heinous crimes?
You be the judge.