As a retired education administrator, I’ve always had a passion for politics; it serves as the foundation of our lives, for better or worse.
Born and raised in Indianapolis, I moved to Wisconsin for a job and completed my Masters at UW-Madison. My 3 sons and I moved to Carmel, CA, for another job then to Seattle where I worked for the State Department of Education. I finished my career in Europe working for the U.S. Department of Defense.
Active in the community where I now live, I run a neighborhood book club and am a member of another. I’m on the board of the local Democratic Club and the steering committee of Civil Discourse. Personally, I try working out regularly, and confess to being a lousy golfer. As an aside, in my next life, I’d like to curate African and Oceanic art and artifacts for Sotheby’s. And I would definitely require a bigger hous