Attack on Cimbri

by Ron Miller

In this second book of this historical thriller series, we find the newly formed country of Cimbri has forged strong alliances with Russia and Denmark to ensure its survival. Spies and counterspies are hard at work. Then, an ambushed hunting excursion exposes Cimbri’s vulnerabilities as swift riders race to deliver the news!

“…A threatening feeling swirled around Godehard as he checked the soldiers along the wooden walls; it increased when the German commander spotted four riders racing towards them as if the Devil, himself, were close behind…” The terrified riders screamed: “A sea of Valkies are coming! Hurry! 100,000 … a few miles behind!”The battle is epic, the story electrifying. Be there to witness…Attack on Cimbri!

About the Author

Ron Miller is a retired veteran of twenty-seven years in the U.S. Army. After retirement, he began dabbling in the writing of short stories.

Looking for a catalyst to write an historical war novel, he was inspired when he found his own family’s involvement in the historical 1488 Battle of St. Aubin du Cormier. With this discovery, Ron felt he had the event needed to launch his readers into the wild and exciting15th Century fictional world of Cimbri. At 3:00 a.m. one morning, he began writing his epic novel to bring the story of The Spirits of Cimbri to life.

Now over three years later, his book has expanded into a multi-book series. Books one and two are available now, with Book Three nearing its completion. Ron says he knows at least two more books in the Cimbri series are still to come.

The author and his wife reside in Florida.

Ron Miller